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President - David Bussell
Vice President - Margaret Clark
Chairman - Dennis Roper
Treasurer - Dennis Roper
General Secretary - Sharon Williams
Fixtures & Web Secretary - Dave Spearing
Cup & Pairs Organiser - Dennis Roper
Committee Members - Kevin Tucker, Dave Marks and Derek Skillman
The League was formed in 1976 with the Aim of Promoting Summer Skittles and to Raise Money for a Local Charitable Cause. £120,000 has been donated to various Charities .
For the 2024 season, four very local charities were supported - Springboard Opportunity Group, North Somerset Parent Carers Working Together, Talk Club and Strawberry Line Cafe. The Charities were each given a total of £750.
Yatton and District Summer Skittles League is proud to announce that we have our very own electronic scorer that Team Captain's can use on match night to record players scores and send in a generated score card electronically to our Fixtures Secretary. A massive thank you to Phil from Skittle Scorer for providing it. Links to the two versions available are below:

2025 Season
The 2025 Summer Season is fast approaching. We are looking for NEW TEAMS to join our fantastic League. If you are interested in setting up a Team and want help, use our website contact form and one of the Committee will happily help you. Contact Us Link - Click Here.
The AGM will be on Thursday 27th March at Claverham Village Hall. All existing Team Players are welcome to attend.
2024 Season
Sponsored by Premier Trophies - Link to Website
One of our Charities chosen for the 2024 Season to receive a donation was "Talk Club". It is a male mental health charity that helps men of all ages to improve their mental health. The League is delighted to announce that Talk Club has secured a local venue. The first session will be Monday 2nd December at the Yatton Rugby Club and then every first Monday of the month from then onwards 7pm to 9pm. If you or someone you know are interested then email Talk Club is a well established Charity, you can find out more information at their website
Another very enjoyable season. Major thank you to everyone who make this Summer League so special. And it is all for charity!!
An amazingly close finish to the season. Churchill Monkeys secured Division 3 Runners Up place and promotion by just 2 points from Exrebs. Kingston were chasing a 10 -0 win away to top of the Second Division Blues n Twos to avoid relegation. They won 8-2, having only lost the other set by 1 pin. Major commiserations to Paul and his team, it does not get any closer than that. Full results on the respective web pages.
We had another successful Presentation Evening on Saturday (21st September at Claverham Village Hall) which included appointing Margaret Clark as our new Vice President, presenting the trophies (click here for List of Awards presented) , presenting each of our chosen local charities with a cheque for £750 in person (click here for more information), a buffet, raffle and a roll up skittle competition to finish. A fun evening which raised a further £520 towards next year's Charities. Many thanks to who attended the evening, the winners who returned their cash prize and everyone who donated a raffle prize. Here are some photographs of the evening:
Our Interleague Team headed to the Social Club, Devonshire, WSM for this year's friendly match against the Weston Summer Mixed League on Saturday 17th August. It was a great night, with all our Team players scoring well on an unforgiving alley and eventually winning by 71 pins and bringing home the prestigious Top Banana Award. A very enjoyable night with both Teams earning £100 for their chosen Charities.
Another superb Singles Competition evening with a huge £621 raised for our Charities. Many thanks to Sharon who worked tirelessly, both preparing for, and on the night. Thank you to everyone who attended and made it such an enjoyable night. And thank you to the Nailsea Social Club for hosting it. We had some great prizes donated for the raffle, including from Thatchers, Twisted Oak, Lye Cross Farm, Parsons Bakery, King Street Brewhouse, Scotty's Kitchen, Cadbury Club, Butcombe, Roundtrees, Clevedon Brewery and the League's Clubs including Nailsea Social Club, Congresbury Memorial Club, Cleeve Cricket Club, Churchill Club and Backwell Village Club. A special thanks to the guys at Plumbase who not only turned up and took part, but donated a voucher for a Four Ball Competition at the prestigous Castle Coombe Golf Club which was auctioned. Many thanks to Tony Ogborne, Backwell A for his winning bid of £250. Some good skittling on both alleys. The stand out score was from Derek Skillman, Crown with 58 on the top alley in the first round. Derek played Andy Dickinson, Kingston in the final. Andy replied to his unlucky 1 in his first hand with a 14 spare and went on to win. Congratulations to you both.
Congratulations to Dambusters for winning the Cup Final. Crown for being Runners Up and Redhill for Third Place.
A huge thank you to Paul and Alice Cox from Kingston Garage for donating £250 towards our Trophy replacement and refurbishment programme.
Presentation Night is on
Superb Pairs Finals Night - congratulations to Ian and son Dan Norton from Bits & Pieces for winning the competition and Paul Thomas and Mike Napper from Blues n Twos for being Runners Up (see Results Page for Scoreboards).

2023 Season
Thank you to everyone that attended the Presentation Night. It was another highly successful evening, very enjoyable and raised £441.50 for our chosen charities. Our three chosen Charities were presented with a £850 cheque each. The final figure to be confirmed, and will include the £441.50. A big thank you to Dennis and everybody that helped on the night! Here are some photos of the Presentation and Roll Up afterwards:
That's All Folks!! Another season has come to an end. I hope everybody enjoyed it, even if you did not maintain your high (or otherwise) standards. The Committee Members wish to thank all the hard working Captains, Team Assistants, Alleys, Sticker Ups and all the Players for making it another successful season.
It was a great night at Churchill Club for the inaugural Interleague Friendly against Weston Summer Mixed Skittles League. Skittles wise, congratulations to Weston for a comfortable win, it wasn't Yatton's night. The big winner was how enjoyable the night was and each league raising £100 each for Charity. Our £100 will be added towards the total given to our three chosen Charities for this season. A big thank you to Clint Harding, YDSSL Interleague Captain for helping to organise the event. Sue and Kevin Tucker for providing the venue, sticker up and food. Thank you to everyone that came to play and support the night. Here is a copy of the board, YDSSL Interleague Captain Clint Harding presenting WSMSL Interleague Captain Phil Dean with the specially commissioned perpetual award which we will hope to win at next year's match in Weston somewhere.
Congratulations to the League Champions and Runner Ups. Commiserations to those who were relegated. Just remember our Treasurer & Cup / Pairs Organiser Dennis's favourite saying "The beer tastes the same in every Division". Congratulations to the Cup Finalists, Pairs Finalists and Highest Scorers. Have a look at the Final Table Click and Statistics Click for all the details. We look forward to seeing you at this Season's Presentation Night on Saturday 28th October at Claverham Village Hall.
The result of this Season's Team Charity Vote is in. Here are the three Charities who will share this season's charity contribution - click on their Logo to see all the good work they do:
Evolution win the Cup Final after a Playoff.
Congratulations to Evolution on winning the Cup Final. A Playoff with Dambusters was required to separate them after they were tied on points and pins. Bits and Pieces were third. Big thank you to Dennis and wife Yvonne for doing the food.
There was a great turnout at Redhill Club for the Final of the Pairs Competition. Congratulations to Derek Skillman and Andy Witcombe from Crown Devils for being crowned winners and Ash Williams and Jason Soper from Bits and Pieces were Runners Up.
Another superb Singles Skittles Competition Night at Nailsea Social Club. A huge thanks to Sharon Williams for organising the event and to all that joined in the fun. A special thank you to everyone who helped on the night and brought a prize for the raffle. A big thank you to Nailsea Social Club that looked after us so well including providing free food. Sharon reports that £309 was raised. A great result. Some good scores during the evening. The top scores on each alley played again in the final. Congratulations to the winner Alistair Gostlin (and thank you for donating back the £10 prize money) and Runner Up Dave Spearing.

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